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Just off Salang Beach, in the north of Tioman Island, Pulau Soyak is usually visited during boat trips. This rocky islet attracts turtles, rays and sharks, who appreciate its sheltered waters. The diversity of reef fish, including butterflyfish, angelfish and clownfish, is also worth the trip.

Orange-skunk anemonefish in Pulau Soyak
Orange-skunk anemonefish in Pulau Soyak.

How to get to Pulau Soyak snorkeling spot?

Pulau Soyak is a small islet off the northwest coast of Tioman. Although it is less than 500 meters from the beach of Salang Beach, it is difficult (and dangerous) to reach the islet by snorkeling from the beach.

The best way to access this location is therefore by boat. A choice of tour agencies in Tioman offer snorkeling trips combining a stop at Pulau Soyak, a stop at Coral Island, and another spot between Monkey Bay, Marine Park or Rengis (price per person RM85 in 2023).

Pulau Soyak snorkeling map, Tioman
Pulau Soyak snorkeling map, Tioman.

Water entrance for snorkeling Pulau Soyak

You will enter the water from your boat.

Pulau Soyak snorkeling exploration tips

The boats usually moor to the south of the island, where the seabed is shallower and more sheltered. This area is very pleasant, but it can also be interesting to snorkel all around the islet. Only consider this option when the current is light and the underwater visibility is good.

Coral and sponges at Pulau Soyak
Coral and sponges at Pulau Soyak.

On the south side of Pulau Soyak, the reef is relatively shallow (↕6-12 feet/2-4 meters), while in the north and west areas the depth becomes more important as soon as you snorkel away from the islet (↕6-26 feet/2-8 meters). The seabed features rocks and corals in average condition. In some areas you’ll note nice patches of branching coral and tabular coral.

The reef at Pulau Soyak is visited by sea turtles, which are frequently seen feeding on the reef or swimming in the blue. Encounters with bluespotted ribbontail rays (take a look in the shadows of overhangs) and blacktip reef sharks are also common.

Latticed butterflyfish at Pulau Soyak
The latticed butterflyfish is one of the many butterflyfish that inhabit Pulau Soyak reefs.

Pulau Soyak has an interesting diversity of reef fish, which includes several species of parrotfish, spinefoot, triggerfish and butterflyfish. Among the most beautiful fish that can be observed at this location are also the vermiculated angelfish, the cooperband butterflyfish, as well as the orange-skunk anemonefish.

At the bottom of the page you will find the list of marine species that have already been spotted by snorkelers in Pulau Soyak.

Hawksbill sea turtle at Pulau Soyak
A visiting hawksbill turtle at Pulau Soyak.

Current occasionally occur along the east and west coasts of Pulau Soyak, but rarely in the southern reef. Ask your guide for advice before snorkeling around the islet.

Restaurants and accommodation nearby

Day trips often include lunch. Check this point when booking.


  • Level required Intermediate
  • Water entrance12 ft/4 m in the southern area, 26 ft/8 m elsewhere
  • Potential DangersSurf, current
  • Visitor numbersMedium
  • Access costsCost of a boat tour

MAP Spot

These spots are accessible to anyone with basic snorkeling skills, and feeling comfortable in the water and with his snorkeling gear. You will enter the water from the shore (beach, pontoon, ladder, rocks) or from a boat. The water height in the sea entrance area is reasonable, but you will not necessarily be within your depth. Moderate currents can occur in the area, even when the sea conditions are good. The distance to swim to reach the most interesting snorkeling areas of the spot does not exceed 200 meters.

This level only apply when the spot experiences optimal sea and/or weather conditions. It is not applicable if the sea and/or weather conditions deteriorate, in particular in the presence of rough sea, rain, strong wind, unusual current, large tides, waves and/or swell. You can find more details about the definition of our snorkeling levels on our snorkeling safety page.