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Melina Beach Resort is located south of Playa Beach on the west coast of Tioman Island. Located in a relatively remote area, it gives access to the pretty fringing reef that edges the beach.

Depending on the area, the health of the coral will vary, but the diversity of the fish found at the reef make it a popular snorkeling spot. 

Some of the most iconic fish sighted here include the bluespotted ribbontail ray, the ocellaris clownfish, the harry hotlips and the batfish.

Tabular coral in Melina Beach
The healthiest parts of the reef feature a diversity of coral, including huge tabular coral.

How to get to the Melina Beach reef snorkeling spot

This spot is the house reef of the Melina Beach Resort, located on the central west coast of the island of Tioman. It lies between the village of Genting and Paya Beach.

To explore this spot, you can choose to stay at the Melina Beach Resort. You can also hike through the jungle from the village of Genting in the south, or from Paya Beach, in the north.

To access the beach, you have to walk through the resort. At the sign indicating the path to Paya or Genting, take the stairs down to the beach.

Melina Beach snorkeling map, Tioman

Water entrance for snorkeling Melina Beach reef

The water entrance is directly from the sandy beach, preferably in front of the Melina Beach Resort restaurant.

Melina Beach reef snorkeling exploration tips

The reef stretches to the north and south of the hotel. On the beach, you will find a reef map which will help you find your way around and locate the different areas.

Long-spined sea urchin
Huge groups of long-spined sea urchins cover the seabed in some places.

From the beach, the seabed is sandy and you have to swim towards the open sea to get to the first corals. On the reef, the depth is about 10 to 15ft.

The corals are generally in good health, although in some areas the beds are covered with dead coral debris inhabited by many long-spined sea urchins.

The liveliest areas of the reef feature branching corals, table coral, finger coral, and several less spectacular species.

Magnificent sea anemones (Heteractis magnifica), are home to ocellaris clownfish, which can be seen in some places.

Bluespotted ribbontail ray
Bluespotted ribbontail rays are common sightings in Melina Beach.

Butterflyfish, especially the Eastern triangular butterflyfish and the eightband butterflyfish, are very common at Melina Beach’s reef.

They are often seen swimming just above the coral. Wrasse, spinefoot and snapper also abound in the shallow, well-lit areas.

A bit deeper, big black sweetlips shelter at the foot of the coral heads. On this spot, you will also have a good chance of seeing bluespotted ribbontail rays. Look closely as they are often hidden in the shade of tabular corals.

Melina Beach Resort
Tioman island’s shore near Melina Beach.

On this spot, the underwater visibility is generally good, but rarely excellent. It can vary during the same day depending on currents and tides.

Restaurants and accommodation nearby

This spot is the house reef of the Melina Beach Resort. If you stay there, you can enjoy the reef just steps from your room.


  • Level required Beginner
  • Maximum depth15ft/5m
  • Water entranceFrom a sandy beach
  • LifeguardNo
  • Visitor numbersLow
  • Access costsFree
  • Restaurants nearbyYes

MAP Spot

These snorkeling spots are accessible to beginners and kids. You will enter the water gradually from a beach, or in a less than 3ft. deep area. The sea is generally calm, shallow, with almost no waves or currents. These spots are usually located in marked and/or monitored swimming areas. It is not necessary to swim long distances to discover the sea life.

This level only apply when the spot experiences optimal sea and/or weather conditions. It is not applicable if the sea and/or weather conditions deteriorate, in particular in the presence of rough sea, rain, strong wind, unusual current, large tides, waves and/or swell. You can find more details about the definition of our snorkeling levels on our snorkeling safety page.