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Anse des Salines is the last beach before Pointe des Châteaux, which marks the end of Grande Terre. If you visit this iconic Guadeloupe landscape, take the opportunity to explore the small lagoon of Anse des Salines. Quiet and shallow, it is home to interesting underwater life, including numerous reef fish. In addition, the setting is superb, with La Désirade and the sharp rocky peaks of Pointe des Châteaux in the distance.

La plage de l'Anse des Salines et la Pointe des Châteaux
Anse des Salines beach, with Pointe des Châteaux in the background.

How to get to Anse des Salines snorkeling spot?

Anse des Salines (or Grande Anse des Salines) is located east of Grande Terre, after Saint-François, and just before Pointe des Châteaux. You can park on the edge of the D118 just before arriving at Pointe des Châteaux, or directly in the Pointe des Châteaux car park (see map).  Access to the beach is easy, by a small path.

Anse des Salines snorkeling map, Guadeloupe

Water entrance for snorkeling Anse des Salines

You can get in the water wherever you want from the beach. In general, a slight current going to the left is present in the lagoon (in this case, better get into the water from the right part of the beach).

Poisson-lime à l'Anse des Salines
A whitespotted filefish encountered at reef.

Anse des Salines snorkeling exploration tips

You can snorkel throughout the “lagoon”, between the beach and up to the coral reef, which are 100 to 150m apart depending on the location. The depth is around 3-10ft/1 to 3m, which makes this spot quite suitable for beginners when there is no current.

Chirurgien bleu dans le lagon de l'Anse des Salines
A solitary juvenile blue tang. Adults from this species usually gather in large schools, very common in shallow waters.

On this spot, the seabed is diverse, with many corals, sea fans, and rocks covered with different types of algae. Many typical Caribbean reef fish can be seen here. Sergeant majors, blue tang, and yellowhead wrasse are among the most common.

In the sandy areas, yellow goatfish are busy scouring the substrate for food, while glasseye hides in small caves on the reef.

Récif corallien de la Pointe des Chateaux
Sergeant major is one of the most common fish species in the Western Atlantic.

Restaurants and accommodation nearby

There is no restaurant at Pointe des Châteaux, but you will find several options along the D118, on the way back to Saint-François. There is no shade on the beach.


  • Level required Intermediate
  • Maximum depth10ft/3m
  • Water entranceFrom a sandy beach
  • LifeguardNo
  • Visitor numbersLow
  • Access costsFree
  • Restaurants nearbyNo

MAP Spot

These spots are accessible to anyone with basic snorkeling skills, and feeling comfortable in the water and with his snorkeling gear. You will enter the water from the shore (beach, pontoon, ladder, rocks) or from a boat. The water height in the sea entrance area is reasonable, but you will not necessarily be within your depth. Moderate currents can occur in the area, even when the sea conditions are good. The distance to swim to reach the most interesting snorkeling areas of the spot does not exceed 200 meters.

This level only apply when the spot experiences optimal sea and/or weather conditions. It is not applicable if the sea and/or weather conditions deteriorate, in particular in the presence of rough sea, rain, strong wind, unusual current, large tides, waves and/or swell. You can find more details about the definition of our snorkeling levels on our snorkeling safety page.